“The thing worse than rebellion is the thing that causes rebellion.” Frederick Douglass

“Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.” Abraham Lincoln photo courtesy of the Library of Congress

“Our Civil War was a blot on our History, but not as great a blot as the buying and selling of Negro Souls.” Mark Twain photo of the Slave Market-St.Augustine, Florida

“The white man’s happiness cannot be purchased by the black man’s misery.” Fredrick Douglass photo courtesy of the Library of Congress
“An unjust law is no law at all.” (St. Augustine) ….which means I have a right, even a duty, to resist with violence or civil disobedience. You should pray I do the latter.” James Farmer, Jr. in the movie “The Great Debaters”
” I can only say there is not a man living who wishes more sincerely than I do to see a plan adopted for the abolition of slavery.” George Washington letter to Robert Morris, April 12, 1786
“Every measure of prudence, therefore, ought to be assumed for the eventual total extirpation of slavery from the United States. I have, throughout my whole life, held the practice of slavery in…..abhorrence.” John Adams letter to Robert Evans, June 8, 1819
“I say that you cannot administer a wicked law impartially. You can only destroy. You can only punish. And I warn you that a wicked law, like cholera, destroys everyone it touches, its upholders as well as its defiers. Character Henry Drummond in the movie version of “Inherit the Wind”